Creative Procrastination

I’ve been trying to take my writing more seriously and go from publishing online serials, short stories and articles to something bigger – but in addition to writing there are so many other things that have to be done to make this happen – there’s marketing, social media, updating that page that hasn’t been updated since 2015 when your computer crashed and you didn’t feel like rebuilding it.

There are online classes, books, workshops, research, more classes, retreats that are all part of the process but cut into the actual writing time.

While I’m working on all of these things– I’m also still procrastinating.  I’m working on ‘Never Say Diet’ (until I come up with a better title) and in addition to advice on adopting a diet to your needs (and adapting to that diet), I’m learning more about different diets that are out there and nutrition.  I’m talking to friends and relatives about medical issues and while it feels like I’m cooking and socializing– I’m actually working on the project and procrastinating at the same time.

I have the privilege of belonging to several, very supportive, writer’s groups who cheer me and hold me accountable for getting the job done.  I fell behind this week, but since I’ve managed to revamp my web page (and combine that with my WordPress classwork and some consulting- I think it’s a win) but it’s still me not writing.  Heck even this post is a creative way of not working on my project, but it’s adding content so it’s all good, right?  Right?

No.  It’s not, but it’s necessary especially since at least some of my projects will be self-published.   It’s necessary, but– it’s also a rabbit hole that can suck the life out of any project.  So I’m going to post this and work on some diet research (aka Lunch).

Until next time!

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