Stone and Hard Place a horror/urban fantasy series by R.L. King. I’ve followed R.L. King’s writing for over 10 years now and it just keeps getting better.
42 Sketches, a collection of artwork and mircofiction by Michaela Eaves. Michaela is an amazing artist who started sharing 42 sketches as her new year’s resolution a sketch a day for 42 days. Her artwork has inspired and intrigued me and I hope someday to have her do a cover for one of my books.
Flashdogs an Anthology –
Saving Alessandra –
A Man of Character –
Autism Blues – A blog by a friend and as he puts it: One Dad, Six Kids. Five on the Spectrum. A good blog about life, religion and autism.
F.E. Clark – Artwork and blog – FlashDog, Artist/writer. “Musings, madness and mayhem of a hat wearing artist who writes.
The Jasmine Quill – Author. Lover of historical fiction, old black and white films, Scrabble, and the occasional Oreo cookie. Currently working on 2 sequels for Saving Alessandra.
Margaret Locke – Margaret Locke writes romance, because love matters.
Special Needs Homeschooling – Another exceptional friend blogs about homeschooling, and life with special needs. She talks about her homeschooling journey which she shares with her husband. The journey began 10 years ago, when they found out that she, and their children have a mitochondrial disorder, that causes a large variety of medical and learning problems. Truly inspiring.
StoddStrader – Creative Thinker, Spiritual Seeker, Day Dream Believer… Writer.
sswriter – Sydney Scrogham – in her own words: “I want to see you fight for dreams you’ve forgotten. I’m a new author of Chase (YA urban fantasy and romance) via Koehler Books due for release in August 2015.”
yawattahosby – A Writer’s Blog– Mystery, Thriller and Suspense writer Yawatta Hosby Blogs about writing.
Stories on the Web
Shapcano’s Shadowrun Fiction Mirror – If you like Shadowrun Fiction, look no further. Shapcao was one of the finest Shadowrun FanFiction writers, and people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. He was the one man welcome wagon for Shadowrun writers on the web, and he hosted fiction for others and more importantly encouraged people to write. Thanks to for finding and hosting the files before they were forever lost.
Flash!Friday -technically speaking Flash!Friday is a blog, but it is much more than that. Every Friday it is a weekly flash fiction contest where some amazing writers come out to play, and challenge themselves. And occasionally our host, Rebekah Postupak shares some of her own writing.
R.L. King’s Shadowrun series Crossfire -posted on Winterhawks’s Viritual Magesapce.
J.D. Harkleroad -a talented lady who’s written some great stories about western heroes and we’re not just talkin’ cowboys. Yes, there are cowboys and villains but there are mysteries, and WWII pilots and more.
Yawatta Hosby – Mystery Suspense writer, author of ‘One by One’ , local NaNoWriMo Participant and friend.
R.L. King – Another talented writer who’s written some amazing stories that have kept me entertained over the years (and has acually found a use for my collection of obscure knowledge).
Becky Muth – Author of “Haunted Women of the Appalachians’, local NaNoWriMo Participant and friend.
Flash Dogs – A group of International Flash Fiction writers who can be found at any of the weekly Flash Fiction contests.
F. E. Clark – Scottish artist and writer, about all I can say is … breathtaking.
Michaela Eaves – Artist in every sense of the word, Michaela works as a graphic artist, Web UX specialist, and consultant. Her works span the gamut of book covers, fine art, community art projects, album covers and pretty much anything she puts her mind to. I hope ot have her design the cover to one of my upcoming books.
John Kraft – A San Francisco Artist and musician whose work defies description. I found John’s work on facebook and have been addicted and amazed ever since. I think my word for his work is ‘profound,’ and it has inspired more than a few scenes/stories.
Flash Fiction Contests
Thursday’s Threads – another flash fiction contest run every Thursday – Writers submit Flash Fiction with the prompt being a line from a previously winning story, hosted by Paranormal Romance and Science Fiction Author Siobhan Muir.
Flash!Friday -the contest that got me hooked on FlashFiction, hosted by the dragon loving Rebekah Posupak, it includes not only the fiction, but some of Rebekah’s work and “Flash Points” awarded for writing above and beyond the call of duty.
FlashMobWrites – Open flash fiction challenge with a musical inspiration hosted by authors Cara Michaels and Ruth Long
Mid-week Blues Buster – A music prompted flash fiction challenge
Cute Kitten Pictures –
If all else fails – you can escape to: Funny Kitten Site – it’s no lolcats, but it’s still… cute kitties!