70-Valkyrie’s View: A Year Among the Stars

March 10th, 2552 Clean-up on Aisle 2
Maintenance Droid – Katherine ‘ConV’ James Reporting

Well, Dancer should have been back with the fleet for at least 12 hours now, although I think what we can see is her first foray planet-side doing the touch down – she’s still a day away or so from actually landing and deploying the exploration equipment.

After that, it will be another six-hour flight here twenty-four hours of quarantine debriefings and all that fun before she gets to fly back again and return with the results from yesterday’s run and the preliminaries from the one she’ll be bringing back.

It’s hard to feel sorry for her with all that flight time. In the meantime, I get to do some routine maintenance on the Gumbo and the Twilight and keep Fipps company and he goes over his findings.

He really does try to explain these things to me, but if it doesn’t fly and doesn’t involve electronics or gears— I’m afraid he tends to lose me. The only place where our skills overlap is when it comes to fuel.

Personally, I think he likes trying to find ways to explain it all to me, but to be honest it all boils down to ‘Dancer gets to have all the fun.’ And even Dancer doesn’t get to do it all – by the time she gets back to the Valkyrie from her second quarantine— others will be taking her place. She’ll be the first but Jo-Jo and Skip are going to get more time planetside once she’s done, which is still a lot more time than me.

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