A few thoughts on voice and cover letters.

A lot of writing workshops and classes will talk about style and voice. These are the spices that flavor your writing and make them yours.

Finding your voice as a writer is very important: it helps you establish a rapport with your reader and gives them a connection that will, hopefully, draw them into your story or article.

It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a story, a manual or a blog: your voice is your main selling point. I hadn’t really thought about this in a long while: I’ve been writing for so long my voice is there and very firmly established.

The funny thing is, I’ve been trying to sell my writing using formulaic cover letters that have the voice and heart of well… a formulaic letter. They have no personality, no voice and it wasn’t until I read the results for Flash Friday’s competition that I realized that cover letters are writing too: and they shouldn’t be formulaic- sure, to a point you need to cover why you’re writing, what you think your main selling points are but ultimately you are selling yourself- this is never truer than for a writer.

Your writing, your voice needs to be there front and center. It is what makes your writing unique and shows the world what you’re capable of doing

Will it work? I don’t know. Time will tell.

From what I understand, I have a ton of rejection letters to go through to get there.

Something to think about.

April 21, 2014

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