Call the tech guy!
Okay, it’s not as traditional as the dog ate my homework but… my desktop won’t boot and I can’t get to my most recent edits…
I was going to edit this afternoon, I really was, but my desktop has decided it doesn’t want to boot and unfortunately (or fortunately) I’m my ‘tech guy.’ This means, rather than edit I have to troubleshoot my computer before I head into the city tomorrow so I can pick up any parts (most likely the power supply) while I’m ‘down there.’
‘Up here’ or ‘over here’ since we are west of ‘The City’ and at a higher elevation… we have one computer shop and I was there 20 years ago and swore I’d never go back. The staff was condescending and the prices were insulting. They might have changed… but they’re also closed on weekends so the point is moot.
Then again, they did put in a Best Buy a few years back but for parts… I’ll wait and go to MicroCenter: they’re usually less expensive, have a better selection and the staff is knowledgeable.
This means an afternoon of tech work and no writing. On the bright side, I hear my ‘tech guy’ isn’t able to work on their editing either 😉
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