Anatomy of an edit: Less might not be more, but sometimes it’s better

This week’s Flash Friday prompt inspiration was “Pilgrim’s Progress” and the Elements that were given almost wrote the story in my head… only with 100 words +/- 1.. I had my work cut out for me. The first draft started out nicely: Good and Evil walked together last night, down that long and winding road. They talked about […]

Read More Anatomy of an edit: Less might not be more, but sometimes it’s better
November 17, 2015

Poetry Workshop or… Mary Tries to Write a Sonnet

What happens when a non rhyming free-form poet tries to write a sonnet?  Why, we end up with a blog post of course.  So, in keeping with my anatomy of a story series here’s one I like to call… Mary tries to write a sonnet. First, I have to decide on the rhyming scheme.  This is […]

Read More Poetry Workshop or… Mary Tries to Write a Sonnet
May 16, 2014

Poetry Part 2: Rhyme and meter aka Rhythm and Rhyme

Words have rhythm when spoken and when we’re rhyming it’s not always the last syllable that makes the rhyme work.   Eons ago, when I was working on a solo for ‘State Solo and Ensemble Festival’ my flute teacher talked me through the music.  He put words to it that would help me keep the […]

Read More Poetry Part 2: Rhyme and meter aka Rhythm and Rhyme
May 9, 2014

Poetry Part 2: Rhyme in the grand scale of things

Rhyme is a tricky element of poetry.  Rhyming dictionaries abound, but there’s more to rhyme then well… rhyming. Getting things to rhyme is easy… until it isn’t.  Sometimes the best word isn’t one that rhymes and you have to make a decision: is the rhyme the best word for the job?  Can I be more […]

Read More Poetry Part 2: Rhyme in the grand scale of things
May 2, 2014

FlashFriday Flash-Versary

This week, FlashFriday ( is doing something different – a special celebration of their first annivesary, their flashversary… 350  words (exactly ) and the prompt was posted on Monday.   I thought this would be so much easier: one story, 350 words and 5 days to write it.  The only problem was… I ended up […]

Read More FlashFriday Flash-Versary
December 7, 2013

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