Flash!Friday #49
Little did I know how addictive these things could get. A short work, less than 500 words… no long term commitment… what’s not to love?
This week’s prompt:
The kicker: 150 words, exactly.
The battle had raged for hours, but the small defensive force had brought the invading army to a halt. For three hours Daniel and his men held their ground. Shoulder to shoulder, they blocked every attempt to take the bridge.
The narrow space had forced the Khan’s men to fight in small groups, rendering their superior numbers useless. There was no going around the bridge and no way of reaching the ravine below other than falling.
Daniel had chosen the defenders’ position well. As the fight continued, the Kahn signaled for his archers. There was more than one way to take out a soldier, no matter whose god was on their side.
One volley was all it took.
The Kahn was about to begin his triumphant march into the city when a booming voice echoed across the chasm.
“Danny, it’s time to put your Legos away and go to bed.”
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