Flash Fiction – Thursday’s Threads

Every Thursday author Siobhan Muir runs “Thursday’s Threads” it’s a Flash Fiction Contest where you are given a line from last week’s winning story as a prompt.  You have to include the line in your story (you can break it up using punctuation only) The word limit is 100 to 250 words. I’ve been participating […]

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Welcome to the insanity that is: NaNoWriMo

It’s that time of year again: friends vanish for long stretches of time and start obsessing about word counts and write-ins, all in the name of NaNoWriMo.  For those of you who haven’t heard about it, November is National Novel Writing Month, and for one month writers all over the world try to write 50,000 […]

Read More Welcome to the insanity that is: NaNoWriMo
November 12, 2015
