This Dance (a poem by M.T. Decker)

(This poem is dedicated to a friend who lost someone they loved, and never got to tell them, and to all my friends and loved ones, old, new and yet to come.)

This dance, this madcap dance.

We move like planets in orbit around the sun,

We touch like leaves swaying in the breeze

never knowing if our stars will once again align

or if this pass in this crazy dance is all we have

there are words: Bliss; Ecstasy; Duende

Where the dancer becomes the dance

And nothing else exists

So lost in the dance are we

We forget that leaves fall, that orbits decay,

And one pass might be all we have.

So we dance, with all our hearts

and live with all our love,

spinning round like galaxies,

hoping it is enough, and that our partners know

That they will dance forever in our hearts

Spinning round like galaxies,

So beautiful, yet very far away.

Close as the heart-beat rhythm that bound us,

if only for a moment

Where the drummers and dancers met.

— M.T. Decker

May 29, 2013


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