110-Valkyrie’s View: A Year Among the Stars

April 19th, 2552 Murphy’s Lucky Kat Survivor of The Second Twilight of the Gods Incident/Schrodinger’s Undead Kat Reporting I’m beginning to think if this Schrodinger guy and Murphy had a child it would be me. I seem to be the unluckiest lucky cat in the universe. Today started off with salvage operations. A lot of […]

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27-Valkyrie’s View: A Year Among the Stars

January 27th, 2552 A tour of the stars Katherine ‘Kat’ James, sometimes pilot, sometimes wrench monkey reporting I can definitely see why they have 9th day. All work tends to be hell for morale. But a little bit of organized tomfoolery can go a long way. While it was literally a bus man’s holiday, everybody […]

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Yet A(nother) Year in Seattle – Week 27 – Use of Force

Yet A(nother) Year In Seattle Sunday June 27, 2066 – Not a good idea Whenever a law enforcement officer discharges his weapon in some place other than the range, he has to file a use of force report. Whenever a mage or shaman summons spirits in an offensive manner, and it is publicly observed and […]

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A(nother) Year in Seattle – Week 25 – Into the Abyss

A(nother) Year in Seattle Sunday – December 14, 2059 – Scheduling Mayhem I spent the morning working out the schedule for the rest of the holiday season. We needed to cover the holiday caseloads and still keep our people fresh. I matched up people’s holiday requests and tried to make it work. It took me […]

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